Joy Kiiru, Director of Communications

joy-kiru2Joy is a lecturer at the School of Economics, University of Nairobi in Kenya. She has a PhD in Agricultural Economics from Bonn University, Germany, MA in Economics from Chancellor College, Malawi and a BA (Economics and Philosophy) from The University of Nairobi. Joy’s research interests are in Social Protection, Trade Policy, Microfinance, Gender and Development and Food security. She has several publications and her research has received international recognition. Joy won the First Prize award for the Global Development Network (GDN) Medal for Research in Development in 2010.

Joy teaches classes in Development Economics. She has also consulted for several organizations including the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), The Development Policy Management Forum (DPMF) and the Trade Policy Centre for Africa (TRAPCA). She is a member of African Growth and Modeling Development Policy (AGRODEP), African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) and the Organization for Social Science Research In Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA).
